Students who are registered for the D6 Virtual Academy will be issued Chromebooks on Thursday, August 6, 2020, from 11:00am – 5:30pm in the bus loading loop at Dorman High School. As a D6 Virtual Academy student, all assignments will be completed using a Chromebook device provided by the district.
Please use the bus entrance near the District Office to enter campus. A staff member will come to your vehicle with your Chromebook. Please do not get out of your vehicle as we will be practicing social distancing and using masks and gloves to distribute your student’s Chromebook.
If you are a rising sophomore (10th grade) and already have a Chromebook, you do not need to come on August 6th.
Letters have been mail to the virtual academy students' home addresses with additional information about our virtual academy and the Chromebook distribution process. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.